Friday, January 20, 2006

Vampire Kisses - Ellen Schreiber

In the hopelessly small town she calls "Dullsville," sixteen-year-old Raven longs to become a vampire. She stands out among the soccer preps at school with her black nails, her black clothes, and her fascination with Anne Rice.

A haunted mansion in the town has new tenants after being empty for years. A mysterious family moves in, but strange rumors pop up about them all over town --- they don't like garlic, they have a strange accent, etc. Raven particularly longs to be acquainted with the family's seventeen-year-old son who is seen only at night. Readers will enjoy her spying methods, including breaking into the mansion.

Surprises appear in every chapter. For example, Raven dresses preppy on Halloween instead of in her usual black and goes trick-or-treating. She also must take a boring part-time job, where her boss insists she not wear black anywhere and cover herself in pleasant red or pink accessories. Raven still manages to keep her unique style throughout.

Overall Raven is fairly normal, with a best friend, an annoying little brother (called "Nerdboy"), and school dances to attend. She stands up for what she wants, even when it's unpopular, and she even enjoys a little romance with the mysterious Alexander at the mansion --- though it's more exciting than she expects.

VAMPIRE KISSES is a wonderfully funny story. Even non-vampire fans will enjoy this one!


Dorothy Cady said...

Hi Jenn,

I love your book reviews. They've got to be as much fun to read as the books themselves. You are very, very good at writing them, and I appreciate your sharing them with us.


Dorothy Cady said...

Hi Jenn,

Forgive if this is a duplicate, but it seems as though my first one didn't publishe.

Just wanted to tell you I really enjoy your book reviews. You are very, very good at writing them, and they are as much fun to read as the books themselves.


shamilton said...

Hi Jenn,
I love vampire stories, movies, anything with vampires in it. This book sounds like a good one, like you could just sort of get lost in in for awhile (which would be nice). I believe i may go out and try to buy it or let my son order it off of amazon. Great Blog!